Monday, August 20, 2018

Is it really important to preheat your oven before baking?

Have you ever baked without preheating your oven?

Every baking recipe has this very first step called PREHEATING. Have you ever wondered why we have to do it? Is that really important? Before getting into that thing in detail, let me first tell you what preheating is?

What is Preheating of an Oven?

     Preheating literally means heating of the oven to a desired temperature (the temperature which is mentioned on your recipe), before actual cooking. we are actually getting the oven ready for baking! Remember to preheat your empty oven without placing anything inside.

    Seriously most of the people have this question hitting their heads. PREHEATING!!!! Does it really make any sense??? And also because of some sort of laziness people skip preheating their ovens before baking. Now I am gonna list out few of the reasons that are really worth preheating your ovens.

If the food is placed in a cold oven without preheating, it won't bake evenly. You'll end up with food uncooked on some portions and well cooked on other portion
For cakes, cookies and other pastries, if they are baked in a cold oven, they'll miss out their texture. For example, if it's a cookie it won't get it's crispy and flaky texture instead they'll become hard and they might get browned on top.

If it's a cake, initial temperature is the one which makes the leavening agents to do their job. It'll rise up in the beginning and then it'll settle down. If the oven is cold before starting, it'll take it's own time to rise up and reach the desired temperature. Then think of your cake?

If the oven is not preheated, you'll notice a change in the baking time since it'll take some time to reach the desired temperature as I said.

     Most importantly you have to keep one thing in your mind that oven temperature reduces when the oven door is opened, as beginners have a habit of opening up the door now and then out of curiosity. Happy Baking!!!

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