Monday, April 22, 2019

Bitter gourd chips | karela chips recipe | Homemade crispy Bitter gourd chips

     Bitter gourd chips is a crispy and tasty snack to have with hot evening tea. It's a very good option to include bitter gourd in your diet.

     In this recipe, I have added a few crushed fennel seeds and a little bit of besan. So, it tastes a bit like pakora, if you don't like the taste you can skip adding those two ingredients and this is a must try recipe for those who hate bitter gourd. Also try out other evening snack recipes like Capsicum bajji , Potato chips and Masala peanuts.

Bitter gourd chips | karela chips recipe | Homemade crispy Bitter gourd chips
Bitter gourd chips | karela chips recipe | Homemade crispy Bitter gourd chips
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